Hark, thy name is Rain. If you'll notice, "Rain" is a homophone of "reign"; subsequently, I should like to see you all bow down to me, for I am a bloody princess.
Perhaps not the most hospitable way to introduce myself..... Shall I start over?
I call myself Rain. I hail from the South, a rather wonderful place to be, but only if you don't mind the occasional heatstroke or living in constant fear of being oppressed by morons that have no idea what they're talking about. That being said, I personally don't mind the occasional heatstroke, as I am well used to harsh weather, and as for the oppression, well.... That's everywhere in the world, isn't it?
I am of Scottish, Irish, and Native American(Comanche, I believe) descent, with family ties to people from Cambodia and China. My mother is Scottish, and not that "Oh-I'm-part-Scottish-haha-I'm-so-diverse" kind of Scottish. Scottish as in she lives in Edinburgh (Well, technically in a smaller town NEAR Edinburgh, but close enough). My great-grandfather was from Ireland, and my other great-grandfather was born on a reservation in Ohio. So when I say I'm "part this" or "part that", I mean that I actually have met and had extended contact with my relatives of those origins.
I am a very odd bird. So odd, in fact, that if I were indeed a bird, I would be something like a pelican or a kiwi. I have very strong feelings about things; I never call anything "Okay" or "So-so". It is either magically awesome and majestic, or it is simply dreadful. It is for that reason that I rant very often, and it is because no one ever asks me what I like, only what I hate, that the rants are often negative. However, I happen to be a very upbeat, positive person, minus my natural snark and horrible temper.
I go to a wonderful school with my wonderful friends, then I occasionally go and pick up my wonderful best friend (who lives in a slightly less wonderful town) for a wonderful weekend. Wonderful.
As for my interests, I enjoy writing, translating songs from Japanese into singable English versions, watching hockey, debating, learning languages, amusing myself and others in odd ways, cosplay, and doing special effects makeup. I also have found myself semi-obsessed with the horror genre, especially zombie survival movies and creepypastas. Never go to the creepypasta wiki if you ever want sleep or have free time again, by the way.
I am a fan of many things, but there are very few fandoms that I actually have gone headfirst into and devoted a lot of time to. These include Hetalia, South Park, Invader Zim, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Very recently I have become quite invested in Homestuck, as well. I understand that many people dislike it, but there are two words that make the series worth reading. The first word is "Dirk", and the second is "Strider".
But at the end of the day, I can be described in two brief sentences: "I don't really do much other than read horror stories, drink tea, and give eloquent, emotional speeches about why I hate things", and "I am the future crazy cat lady in your apartment complex".
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