Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Perfect Imperfections

I found this meme while wandering the internet like some sort of e-vagrant and decided that I simply must do it. So, here we are.



1. I have a horrible lisp. I'm not even that sure if anyone else notices it, but somehow, it seems an almost debilitating impediment to me. I hold the "s" sound out about a half second too long in the middle/start of words, and it becomes almost a "sh" at the end. For instance, if I were to say "Soul Evans and Dave Strider went to Subway for sandwiches" (ignoring how absurd the sentence itself is), it would come out "Sssoul Evansh and Dave Ssstrider went to Sssubway for sssandwichesh." 

Okay, maybe it's not THAT bad. But that's what it sounds like to me. I also stutter a bit, but I'm counting it with the first.

2. I am uncomfortable with how hairy I am. I shave every day, arms included, so that I'm not a gorilla. And God help us all if I skip a day.

3. I have a slight double chin. Not that much, really. Actually, MOST girls have this, I've noticed. But I despise it.


1. I have incredibly green eyes. Not hazel, not blue-green. Green like a crayon. I am very, very proud of my eyes.

2. I have very pretty feet. Odd, I know, but I could seriously model them.

3. My complexion is PERFECT, especially for a teenager. I don't need makeup.

All in all, I'm a relatively attractive person. Not disfigured.

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