I have long dreamed of red hair, but with my fear of bleach and naturally almost black hair, that dream always seemed a hopeless one. However, I had two whole days and no plans other than a South Park marathon, so I decided to try one more time.
After looking at several reviews I decided that my best best would probably be Loreal Feria 74 (Copper Shimmer/ Mango Intense Copper). The girl on the box has delightfully vivid orange hair (even if she doesn't look too happy about it).
You may notice that her hair is somewhat reminiscent of Amy Pond. Indeed, as I went to buy the stuff at Ulta, I was chanting "Amy Pond, Amy Pond, Amy Pond" in my head. Her color was exactly what I was looking for.
So sorry that I don't have a picture of the "before". I'm a bit camera-shy, and this review was done on a whim out of sincere happiness with the final result.
When I went to dye my hair, I was a little concerned that the stuff in the bottle turned PURPLE once I mixed it up. I was looking for a more natural, orange-red. NOT burgundy, as I have dyed my hair such in the past and it did not suit my skin color. If you decide to use this product, do not let this worry you; it goes on a very dark red. I guess the red looks so dark in the bottle that I only mistook it for purple.
I was a little worried that it would stick only to my roots, so I made SURE that I COMPLETELY covered my ends with the stuff. That may be how I got it on my door somehow....
I turned on Dylan Dog: Dead of Night on Netflix and waited almost 30 minutes. I then remembered that I had recently tried dyeing my hair light brown (and failed, by the way), and that I should have waited longer before doing so again. Oh well, I told myself, too late now. I decided that if it fell out, I had more high-quality cosplay wigs than I would ever wear in real life. (I KNEW being a wig-snob would pay off eventually!!)
Fortunately, however, my hair didn't fall out. It actually felt a lot softer than I thought it would. And while I did not get the lovely copper locks I wanted, I am EXTREMELY happy with the results. Here is a picture.
I'm not smiling, because I'm rather unhappy with how little of my actual color is shown on this god-awful school-issued Macbook. (Oh, dear, I've spoken out against Apple! I hope Steve Jobs doesn't rise from the grave as a vampire and get me! /sarcasm)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my review and will consider using this product in the future. Remember to make sure you cover your roots and aren't frightened by the purple dye!
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